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Our goal is to create and curate the best of midwest functional and sculptural art.
— John Pryor


Madison Flitch is a studio and art gallery that designs, makes, and curates the best functional and sculptural artists in the midwest. Our purpose is to make these works available and accessible to designers and direct to the public. We have developed a unique, in-house style through our on-site workshop that allows designers and clients the ability to collaborate within our fresh perspective. We also host apprentices interested in developing their sculptural skills in the medium of wood, which helps us maintain a fresh, forward-thinking perspective for our clients and partners.

Exhibitions of work are held throughout the year.


Madison Flitch was founded by John Pryor in the summer of 2016. Longing to escape his corporate tech job in Boston, John returned to his roots in Kansas City to become an artist that celebrated the natural beauty of the midwest. Formally trained at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking, John applies sculptural furniture- and art-making techniques with a modern design sense to create one-of-a-kind pieces.


Madison Flitch showcases the beauty of natural materials that come “from the earth” through fashion-forward design thinking. We think “locally”, by looking to the local artisanal talent in the area, alongside the landscapes and materials around us in order to showcase the natural beauty of our region.


John Pryor

John is the founder of Madison Flitch. Longing to escape his corporate tech job in Boston, John returned to his roots in Kansas City to become an artist that celebrated the natural beauty and talent the midwest. Formally trained at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking, John makes sculptural art and furniture.

Erika Jackson

Erika Jackson is an apprentice at Madison Flitch, focusing on furniture- and fashion-design. She obtained a BA in Interior Architecture and Product Design from Kansas State University. Her work focuses on Danish design elements alongside contemporary perspectives in wood, leather, and textiles.

Justine Gelbolinga

Justine is an engineering student taking a break from her studies to “get her hands dirty”. She is focusing on furniture, fashion, and small woodworking builds. Her interests reside in post mid-century modern design.
